Sacred Sacrament

In my experience, there are drugs, medicine, sacred medicine, sacrament, and sacred sacrament. I stand without judgment upon who uses what and why. And, it’s been my experience as someone exploring expanded consciousness through the use of psychedelics for the past decade, that when used responsibly, ethically, and safely, the use of Sacred Sacrament holds the potential to transform lives – in some cases overnight. The key to this transformation lies in set, setting and intention, and equally important is integration.

I currently serve Kambo, Hapé, Sananga, and Santa Maria (Cannabis)

What is Kambo?

Kambo is the secretion of the Giant Waxy Green Spider Monkey Tree Frog (Phyllomedusa Bicolor), which lives in the upper areas of the Amazon Rainforest. It has no natural predators, therefore the folklore of this secretion being a venom or a poison is actually incorrect. The secretion of this animal has been found throughout centuries to have a plethora of healing powers, shifts in the energetic body as well as the unwinding of karmic patterns that block us from fulfilling our individual blueprint here in this lifetime. It has been quite a gift to work with this medicine and find that it supports us in finding the stamina, strength, and resiliency of the nervous system to handle more of life’s challenges on all levels of existence.

Kambo is known as the vaccine of the jungle.  It has a variety of physical, mental, and spiritual health benefits.  It’s one of the world’s most effective and natural antibiotics and immune system boosters.  It detoxifies the liver and intestines, improves mental functioning, and has the potential to dissolve emotional blocks.  It also helps to reset our cellular memory. 

What does Kambo feel like?

There are a variety of physical sensations that you may or may not experience in a Kambo session. Kambo is a fairly quick experience. Usually only lasting 20-30 minutes, you’re typically over the hardest part of it in no time. First, superficial burns are made to the skin, just removing the top layer to expose the lymphatic tissue.  The re-hydrated frog secretion is then applied to the burns. Shortly after application of the medicine, your heart will pound harder and faster. A rushing feeling  can occur. You’ll experience a hot flushing sensation similar to a niacin flush. You may feel a pressure build up in your head.

Then the nausea will come on. Purging through vomiting is an important part of the experience as it allows you to remove physical and energetic toxicity. You may have to use the restroom, have shaking, sweating, emotional releases or heavy mucus production. These are all normal physiological responses. The effects last 20-30 minutes. Once the process is over, you will rest and be able to safely drive home after the ceremony ends.

We will set up an integration call to further acclimate the healing into your everyday life and discuss any future opportunities or modalities. 


What is Hapé?

A traditional shamanic snuff from the Amazon that will help you break through energetic blocks and will help you release. The one we mostly use is prepared in a ceremonial way infused with many prayers and healing intentions by shamans from the Yawanawa tribe in Brazil. We have a wide selection depending on what’s needed from different tribes, ranging from the Matses Nunu to Kaxinawa and Katukina rapés. The base is sacred ground mapacho tobacco leaves, different herbs, leaves, tree barks and ashes. It will clear out your sinuses, align your chakras, increase the blood flow in your brain and connect you to the spirits of the Amazon. It is also used for headaches, to cool down in heat, relax the mind, and lower blood pressure. A truly magical medicine. It is applied by blowing it into your nose with a Tepi pipe. 

What is Sananga?

Sananga is made from the root and bark of the Tabernaemontana Sananho shrub. It’s a traditional eye medicine that is beneficial for inner and outer vision. It’s great against astigmatism, glaucoma, cataracts, migraines, sinus issues, macular degeneration etc and will clear out your tear ducts and excessive protein around your eyes. It’s also great against dry or red eyes and eye infections. And it will also help decalcify your third eye, to lift panema, and is great against anxiety and depression. It also helps to bring out inner anger. After it’s applied, your eyes will burn for about 3-10 minutes, depending on the strength of your dose. Your eyes will start vibrating and recalibrating. Afterwards the vision becomes sharper, you will feel uplifted and the world will look more vibrant. This is why we offer Sananga at the end of our ceremony.

santa maria

What is Santa Maria?

You might know her as Cannabis, Weed, Herb, Mary Jane, and the list goes on. To me, however, the story of Santa Maria is one that has changed my life. As the story goes a Shaman who was very well known for his ancient brews (likely Ayahuasca) was given the cannabis plant to explore. After experimenting with the plant, he was visited by a woman who showed him the plant and that it was hers.  She said it had been very misused and that with proper reverence, intention, honor, and devotion, she would unlock magic and mysteries for humanity. And so the story goes. My relationship with this herb has shown her ability to unlock human potential and self-healing.  

Let’s discuss how you can create sacred rituals for daily life with this powerful herb.