Alchemist for Life Mastery
al·che·mist (noun) – a person who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process.
Gia Kubik
Engineer your own evolution; transcend ego, fear and victimhood for a life of magic, miracles and mastery
You’re invited to come play in the magic of life.
Are you READY?
“The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself…”

If you’re still trying, fixing, processing, forcing, manipulating, and figuring out,
I invite you to a new way of BEING.
Life Mastery Coaching
Step into the highest version of yourself, becoming the world-class change-maker, athlete, or leader that’s just waiting to be fully expressed. Life Mastery Coaching is about redefining possibilities and in harnessing your ability to create the world you want to live in.
Intuitive Healing
Experience the divine frequency of energetic healing. This may be in the form of Reiki, a holistic technique to direct energy for your highest good and healing. It may also encompass other Shamanic and intuitive techniques to restore mind / body connection and harmony.
Sessions available in person, in groups, or online.
Sacred Sacrament
Take your 5D journey to the next level. Explore cosmic connections and unity consciousness in safe and legal ceremonies. Sacred sacraments offered include Kambo, Hapé, Sonanga, and Santa Maria (Cannabis).
YOU are the medicine.
Welcome back to YOU
My name is Gia, I’ll be your guide as you transcend the grip of Ego, Fear and Victimhood and move into the expanded state of Magic, Miracles, and Mastery. Working with me is an invitation to master your life experience and move beyond obstacles with ease and flow.
People abandon themselves unknowingly.
I help you come back to YOU.
It’s time. You’re worth it!